Jan 19, 2015

Best Presentation Award(大学院生が日本水産学会九州支部会で優秀学生発表賞を受賞しました)

Iori Tatamidani, a MSc student of the lab, won the Best Presentation Award at the Kyushu regional meeting of Japanese Society of Fisheries Science that was held in Miyazaki on January 10 .


畳谷伊織(鹿大水)・Gregory N. Nishihara(長大海セ)・寺田竜太(鹿大水)

畳谷さんは,鹿児島湾に生育する海草2種(アマモとコアマモ)の光合成における光や温度の影響について,酸素電極とパルス変調クロロフィル蛍光測定を用い て明らかにしました。海草は沿岸域における主要な基礎生産者として重要な役割を担っていますが,海草藻場の減少が深刻な問題になっています。本発表では, 水温の変化が光合成活性に与える影響を明らかにすると共に,日中の光量変化に伴う光合成活性の変化を水中でリアルタイムに測定し,応答の過程を明らかにし ました。


Jan 11, 2015

Porphyra (=Pyropia) survey in Tanegashima(種子島でアマノリ類の調査を実施)

A PhD student, Watanabe conducted the field survey of Pyropia (= Porphyra) species in Tanegashima Island which is known as one of the northernmost island in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. Indeed, four species of Pyropia including an endemic species Pyropia tanegashimensis can be found in this island. 


Pyropia suborbiculata マルバアマノリ

Nemalionopsis tortuosa in Amami Island(オキチモズクの調査を奄美で実施)

Monitoring survey of an endangered freshwater red alga, Nemalionopsis tortuosa was conducted in Amami Island. This species can be found in the downstream of clean freshwater wellspring from winter through early summer.

Phenology and characteristic photobiology of this species were recently reported by our research groups (Fujimoto et al. 2014).


Nemalionopsis tortuosa in Amami
