May 18, 2024

New article: Chondria armata

Please check out our new article featuring the phenology and the response of photosynthesis to irradiance and temperature gradients in the herbal drug red alga, Chondria armata (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales).

Terada, Yoshizato, Murakami, Nishihara 2024. Phenology and the response of photosynthesis to irradiance and temperature gradient in the herbal drug red alga, Chondria armata (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) from Kagoshima, Japan.
Journal of Applied Phycology
DOI: 10.1007/s10811-024-03250-w
This alga has been utilized by local inhabitants for many years in the Ryukyu Islands, serving as an herbal drug for anthelmintic purposes, effectively eradicating various intestinal worms such as parasitic roundworms, whipworms, and tapeworms. 
In the present study, we conducted a seasonal field survey to elucidate the seasonal variations of this alga in Kagoshima, Japan. Additionally, we conducted experiments to analyze the photosynthetic response of C. armata under varying temperature and irradiance gradients. This endeavor aims to enhance our understanding of the optimal and critical environmental conditions for this alga near the northern distributional limit in the Pacific.
Chondria armata


May 12, 2024

The Takeno and Awajishima surveys

We participated in field surveys for the nationwide long-term monitoring project known as 'Monitoring Site 1000,' conducted at Takeno in Toyooka City, facing the Sea of Japan, and at Awajishima Island in Sumoto City, facing the Pacific Ocean, both located in Hyogo Prefecture.
These surveys were conducted by the Kobe University Research Center of Seto Inland Seas (KURCIS), and phycologists from the Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, as well as those from our laboratory, were invited as specialists.

May 1, 2024

9th Asian Pacific Phycological Forum (APPF2024)

The 9th Asian Pacific Phycological Forum (APPF2024) was successfully closed except for the excursion that is conducted today. As one of the co-chairs of the LOC, Ryuta Terada wishes to express sincere thanks to all participants, the LOC, and staff members who contributed to the conference. The next meeting will be held in April 2027 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.