Jul 21, 2024

A special workshop on making seaweed specimens for elementary school kids

We held a special workshop on making seaweed specimens for elementary school kids as an event during their summer holidays. On the first day, July 20, we pressed samples of 30 species collected during our field surveys, including some edible species like Nori and Wakame. Next weekend, after fully drying the samples, we will have the second day of the workshop, making herbarium specimens to complete their own exsiccatae. This workshop was conducted with funding from KAKENHI, provided by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).


Jul 13, 2024

Second Jeju International Island Symposium

Professor Ryuta Terada, the head of the Marine Botany Laboratory, was invited to the 2nd Jeju International Island Symposium as one of the speakers. The symposium was held from July 9th to 11th in Jeju City, Korea. He presented the status of the nationwide long-term monitoring survey known as "Monitoring-Site 1000" in Japan over the past 15 years. As Jeju Island and Kyushu Island are very close, with a distance of around 200 km between them, we believe our concerns about the degradation of seaweed communities observed in Kyushu may be helpful in considering the possibility of future changes in seaweed communities on Jeju Island. We express our thanks to the organizing committee of this symposium for inviting him to this wonderful opportunity.
