Aug 20, 2013

Field survey in Ibusuki(指宿市での調査)

We conducted the field survey in Ibusuki, Kagoshima Prefecture. Some red algae,  Chondria armata and Digenea simplex were collected.
Digenea simplex
There was high dense community of Digenea simplex. This species was formerly harvested by local inhabitants as the crude drugs, especially in the islands.

Chondria armata
 Chondria armata. This species was also used as the crude drugs like Digenea.

We also confirmed a small green alga, Caulerpa lentirifera. This species was reported from this region by Terada et al. (2012, in Japanese).

Aug 7, 2013

Autumn Meeting of the JSFS(水産学会秋季大会のプログラム)

Official program of the Autumn Meeting of Japanese Society of Fisheries Science (JSFS) has been uploaded in the following JSFS website (text: Japanese only).

Six MS students of the Marine Botany lab will be presented own research in this meeting.


Facebook page of the Marine Botany Laboratory at Kagoshima University(Facebookで研究室の情報発信を始めました)

Today, we started an official homepage of the Marine Botany Lab at Kagoshima University in the Facebook. Let's take it a look!

Hereafter, we will also publish future research and educational topics from the Facebook. But do not worry, we will also continue our site:


As you know, I have also private Facebook account. I will be using my portal to update the miscellaneous news including something impressions regarding my research and educational activities.

Aug 4, 2013

Thorea gaudichaudii(シマチスジノリの観察)

Looks like woolly bear, but is algae. Thorea gaudichaudii from Yoron Island.
"Hair" is the assimilatory filaments that were elongated from medulla. 

Thorea gaudichaudii

Aug 3, 2013

Open house (鹿児島大学のオープンキャンパス)

Open house of the Kagoshima University was held today. More than 160 high school students including their parents visited Fisheries Department. Weather was fine, but temperature was 97˚F (36˚C).



We presented recent research topics of the algae and corals. Asami is talking with a high school student who are interested in the seaweeds.


Aug 2, 2013

Old but important books(古いけど大切な書籍)

We will be moving our laboratory to a temporal facility by the end of this month for the renovation of the current building. It will be renovated by the end of March. So, we have to move two times in a half year.
Anyway, we have to pack everything including equipments and books and move to the temporal facility. 

Today I packed old books in the carton boxes.


Aug 1, 2013

Research voyage at off Mageshima Island(馬毛島沖で海洋調査を行いました)

We went on board the T/S Nanseimaru, Kagoshima University, and conducted the survey at offshore of Mageshima Island, northern end of the Ryukyu Archipelago.


At the study site, we collected sand-dwelling dinoflagellate from the seafloor at more than 30m deep using the bottom sampler. Furthermore, vertical distribution of underwater PAR and temperature were measured using CTD.
Mageshima Island