Mar 25, 2015


Commencement of Kagoshima University was held on 25h March, 2015.
From our lab, two MSc students and four undergraduate students got degrees.

Commencement 2015 Marine Botany Lab

Mar 22, 2015

Annual meetingof Japanese Society of Phycology(日本藻類学会第39回大会)

The 39th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Phycology (JSP35) has been held at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan. According to the organizer, more than 200 participants  seems to be attended.
From our lab, five students including two undergraduate students presented own research. Next meeting will be held in Tokyo in March 2016.

Phycology team of RT & GNN
Poster Session

Mar 15, 2015

New artcile: Kappahycus alvarezii

New paper was out.
Featured article:

Ryuta Terada, Triet Duy Vo, Gregory N. Nishihara, Keisaku Shioya, Satoshi Shimada, Shigeo Kawaguchi
The effect of irradiance and temperature on the photosynthesis and growth of a cultivated red alga Kappaphycus alvarezii (Solieriaceae) from Vietnam, based on in situ and in vitro measurements
Journal of Applied Phycology
DOI: 10.1007/s10811-015-0557-x

This is the first report of the diurnal change of photosynthetic efficiency of economically important alga, Kappahycus alvarezii from Vietnam. From the figures in our article, you can clearly see the characteristic change of the effective quantum yield during the day and under strong irradiance.

Study site in Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam

Mar 14, 2015




寺田竜太・渡邉裕基・藤本みどり・畳谷伊織・國分翔伍・Gregory N. Nishihara:与論島産シマチスジノリの驚くべき生育環境と光合成に対する光,温度の影響

寺田竜太・川井浩史・倉島 彰・坂西芳彦・島袋寛盛・田中次郎・村瀬 昇・青木美鈴・横井謙一:環境省モニタリングサイト1000沿岸域調査における藻場のモニタリング 2014年の成果

Mar 8, 2015

Pyropia tenera survey in Kumamoto(熊本でアサクサノリの調査)

Field survey of an endangered alga, Pyropia tenera, was conducted at a site in Kumamoto Prefecture.

Pyropia tenera アサクサノリ
This species is known as an edible alga in Japan. However, due to the loss of the habitat, extinction of the natural population has also been seriously concerned.
Characteristic photobiology of this species was recently reported by our team.

Porphyra survey at Minami-Satsuma City(坊津で坊ノリの調査)

Field survey of Pyropia (= Porphyra) was conducted at a rocky shore in Minami-Satsuma City, Kagoshima Prefecture. Fortunately, we found a big Pyropia population on the rocks in the upper intertidal zone facing the East China Sea. Indeed, rocks were mostly covered by the alga. 

This alga, known as Bo-Nori for local people, was formerly harvested by fishermen in Winter, and was indispensable to their dietary culture.

Mar 3, 2015

Sargassum fusiforme in Kagoshima(鹿児島のヒジキ)

Introducing an underwater view of Sargassum fusiforme population in Sakurajima, Kagoshima, Japan. This is the actual current status before the harvest. This species, known as Hijiki In Japanese, will be harvested by fishermen in April and May.

Sargassum fusiforme ヒジキ

Its characteristic ecophisiology will be reported from the following article (coming soon):

Kokubu, S., Nishihara, G. N., Watanabe, Y., Tsuchiya, Y., Amano, Y., Terada, R. 2015. The effect of irradiance and temperature on the photosynthesis of a native brown alga, Sargassum fusiforme (Fucales) from Kagoshima, Japan. Phycologia 54: (in press)