Dec 1, 2021

Annual contribution 2021

This is an annual contribution of the 2021 Marine Botany Lab, Kagoshima University. We would like to express our gratitude to all of the students, colleagues, co-authors, and contributors.
A lot of bad things also happened this year due to the virus pandemic. We are hoping next year will be better!

Articles out online before 2020 and published in the issue of 2021

1.        Ryuta Terada, Mahiko Abe, Takuzo Abe, Masakazu Aoki, Akihiro Dazai, Hikaru Endo, Mitsunobu Kamiya, Hiroshi Kawai, Akira Kurashima, Taizo Motomura, Noboru Murase, Yoshihiko Sakanishi, Hiromori Shimabukuro 2021. Japan’s nationwide long-term monitoring survey of seaweed communities known as the “Monitoring Sites 1000”: Ten-year overview and future perspectives. Phycological Research 69 (1): 12–30 DOI: 10.1111/pre.12395 (Online: 31 July 2019; Issue: 21 January 2021)

2.        Iris Ann Borlongan, Ryuta Terada, Anicia Hurtado 2021. Concise review of the genus Meristotheca (Rhodophyta: Solieriaceae). Journal of Applied Phycology 33 (1): 167–181 DOI: 10.1007/s10811-020-02288-w (Online: 27 October 2020; Issue: February 2021)

3.        Hiroshi Kawai, Takeaki Hanyuda, Ichiro Mine, Shinichi Takaichi, Ryuta Terada, Taiju Kitayama 2021. Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Umbraulva spp. (Ulvales, Ulvophyceae), and proposal of Ryuguphycus gen. nov. and R. kuaweuweu comb. nov. European Journal of Phycology 56 (1): 1–11 DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2020.1753815 (Online: 16 June 2020; Issue: 9 February 2021)

4.        Hikaru Endo, Yoichi Sato, Kenji Kaneko, Daisuke Takahashi, Kazue Nagasawa, Yutaka Okumura, Yukio Agatsuma 2021. Ocean warming combined with nutrient enrichment increases the risk of herbivory during cultivation of the marine macroalga Undaria Pinnatifida. ICES Journal of Marine Science 78 (1): 402–409 DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsaa069 (Onlie: 4 June 2020; Issue: January-February 2021)

5.        Masahiro Suzuki, Ryuta Terada, Kensuke Shibata, Hiroshi Kawai 2021. New records of Chondracanthus saundersii and Schottera koreana (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) from Japan based on molecular and morphological analyses. Phycological Research 69 (2): 81–87 DOI: 10.1111/pre.12447 (Research note; Online: 13 Nov 2020; Issue: April 2021)


Articles published online in 2021

6.        Gangping Xu, *Ryuta Terada, Yuki Watanabe, Gregory N. Nishihara 2021. Temperature characteristics on the growth and photosynthesis of a red alga, Phycocalidia tanegashimensis (= Pyropia tanegashimensis, Bangiales) reveal adaptation to subtropical environments due to year-round occurrence of the macroscopic gametophyte. Journal of Applied Phycology 33 (3): 1765–1775 DOI: 10.1007/s10811-021-02426-y (Online: 2 March 2021; Issue: 28 May 2021)

7.        Tomohiro Ito, Iris Ann Borlongan, Gregory N. Nishihara, Hikaru Endo, *Ryuta Terada 2021. The effects of irradiance, temperature, and desiccation on the photosynthesis of a brown alga, Sargassum muticum (Fucales), from a native distributional range in Japan. Journal of Applied Phycology 33 (3): 1777–1791 DOI: 10.1007/s10811-021-02425-z (Online: 5 March 2021; Issue: 28 May 2021)

8.        Masahiro Suzuki, Ryuta Terada 2021. A new flattened species of Gracilariopsis (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) from Japan. Phycologia 60 (2): 158–163 DOI: 10.1080/00318884.2021.1880755 (Online: 8 March 2021)

9.        Ryuta Terada, Moe Takaesu, Iris Ann Borlongan, Gregory N. Nishihara 2021. The photosynthetic performance of a cultivated Japanese green alga Caulerpa lentillifera in response to three different stressors, temperature, irradiance, and desiccation. Journal of Applied Phycology 33 (4): 2547–2559 DOI: 10.1007/s10811-021-02439-7 (Online: 20 March 2021; Issue: August 2021)

10.      Ryuta Terada, Gregory N. Nishihara, Kaname Arimura, Yuki Watanabe, Takayuki Mine, Tarou Morikawa 2021. Photosynthetic response of a cultivated red alga, Neopyropia yezoensis f. narawaensis (= Pyropia yezoensis f. narawaensis; Bangiales, Rhodophyta) to dehydration stress differs with between two heteromorphic life-history stages. Algal Research 55: 102262 DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2021.102262 (Online: 1 April 2021; Issue: May 2021)

11.      Ryo Kameyama, Gregory N. Nishihara, Chikara Kawagoe, *Ryuta Terada 2021. The effects of four stressors, irradiance, temperature, desiccation, and salinity on the photosynthesis of a red alga, Agarophyton vermiculophyllum (Gracilariales) from a native distributional range in Japan. Journal of Applied Phycology 33 (4): 2561–2575 DOI: 10.1007/s10811-021-02469-1 (Online: 1 May 2021; Issue: August 2021)

12.      Gangping Xu, *Ryuta Terada, Yuki Watanabe, Gregory N. Nishihara 2021. The occurrence of Phycocalidia tanegashimensis (Bangiaceae) in the splash zone may be related to the tolerance of photochemical efficiency to temperature, irradiance, desiccation, and salinity. Journal of Applied Phycology33 (5): 3427–3435 DOI: 10.1007/s10811-021-02498-w (Online: 22 May 2021; Issue: October 2021)

13.      Yoichi Sato, Hikari Nagoe, Gregory N. Nishihara, Ryuta Terada 2021. The photosynthetic response of cultivated juvenile and mature Undaria pinnatifida (Laminariales) sporophytes to light and temperature. Journal of Applied Phycology 33 (5): 3437–3448 DOI: 10.1007/s10811-021-02535-8 (Online: 13 July 2021; Issue: October 2021)

14.      Hikaru Endo, Toru Sugie, Yukiko Yonemori, Yuki Nishikido, Hikari Moriyama, Ryusei Ito, Suguru Okunishi 2021. Vegetative reproduction is more advantageous than sexual reproduction in a canopy-forming clonal macroalga under ocean warning accompanied by oligotrophication and intensive herbivory. Plants 10: 1522 DOI: 10.3390/plants10081522 (Online; 26 July 2021)

15.      Stacy A. Krueger-Hadfield, James E. Byers, Guido Bonthond, Ryuta Terada, Florian Weinberger, Erik E. Sotka 2021. Intraspecific diversity and genetic structure in the widespread macroalga Agarophyton vermiculophyllum. Journal of Phycology 57 (5): 1403–1410 DOI: 10.1111/jpy.13195 (Mini review; First published: 4 July 2021; Issue: 18 October 2021)

16.      Kenjiro Hinode, Hoshimi Kamisaki, Gregory N. Nishihara, Ryuta Terada 2021. The phenology of epiphytic diatoms and epifauna observed on Zostera marina of Arikawa Bay, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. Plankton and Benthos Research 16 (3): 179–190 DOI: 10.3800/pbr.16.179 (Released on J-STAGE: 31 July 2021; Publish: 6 August 2021)

17.      Masahiro Suzuki, Ryuta Terada (2021) Morpho-anatomical and molecular reassessments of Rhodymenia prostrata (Rhodymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from Japan support the recognition of Halopeltis tanakae nom. nov. Phycologia 60 (6): 582 – 588 DOI: 10.1080/00318884.2021.1959743 (Online: 27 August 2021)

18.      Yukari Maeno, Yuichi Kotaki, Ryuta Terada, Masafumi Hidaka, Yuko Cho, Keiichi Konoki, and Mari Yotsu-Yamashita. 2021. Preparation of domoic acid analogues using a bioconversion system and their toxicity in mice. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 19: 7894–7902 DOI: 10.1039/d1ob01378e (First published: 25 August 2021)

19.      寺田竜太,進藤蒼,田中美和,江﨑聡2021.鹿児島県長島における藻場の長期変化,特に東シナ海に面した沿岸からの藻場の消失.日本水産学会誌 87 (6): 631–641 DOI: 10.2331/suisan.21-00023(早期公開:20211014;発行日20211115日;公開日:20211124Ryuta Terada, Aoi Shindo, Miwa Tanaka, Satoshi Esaki 2021. Long-term change in seaweed assemblages in Nagashima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture: Disappearance of the canopy-forming kelp and fucoid algae from coastal areas facing the East China Sea. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 87 (6): 631–641 DOI: 10.2331/suisan.21-00023 (Online: 14 October 2021; Issue: 15 November 2021)

20.      Yoichi Sato, Daisuke Saito, Gregory N. Nishihara, Ryuta Terada 2022. Effects of different stressors on the PSII photochemical efficiency and application to sporeling transportation in cultured young sporophytes of Undaria pinnatifida. Journal of Applied Phycology DOI: 10.1007/s10811-021-02616-8 (Online: 28 October 2021)

21.      倉堀宇弘,島袋寛盛,猪狩忠光,*寺田竜太2022鹿児島湾産褐藻ホンダワラ属藻類2種,イソモクとコナフキモクの季節的消長と生育環境.日本水産学会誌 88 (1) DOI: 10.2331/suisan.21-00028(受理:2021916日;早期公開:20211126日).Takahiro Kurahori, Hiromori Shimabukuro, *Ryuta Terada 2022. Phenology and environmental characteristics of two species of Sargassum (Fucales), S. hemiphyllum and S. glaucescens from Kagoshima Bay, Japan. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 88 (1) DOI: 10.2331/suisan.21-00028 (Online: 26 November 2021).


Nov 27, 2021



日本水産学会誌 DOI: 10.2331/suisan.21-00028
Takahiro Kurahori, Hiromori Shimabukuro, Ryuta Terada 2022. Phenology and environmental characteristics of two species of Sargassum (Fucales), S. hemiphyllum and S. glaucescens from Kagoshima Bay, Japan.
Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi
DOI: 10.2331/suisan.21-00028 (Online: 26 November 2021)

Nov 1, 2021

New article: Undaria pinnatifida desiccation tolerance

 Please take a look at our new article featuring dehydration tolerance on the photochemical efficiency in young cultivated Unidaria pinnatifida from Miyagi, Japan. Optimal shipping treatment techniques in fresh Undaira sporelings were also discussed.

Sato, Saito, Nishihara, Terada 2021
Effects of different stressors on the PSII photochemical efficiency and application to sporeling transportation in cultured young sporophytes of Undaria pinnatifida.
Journal of Applied Phycology
DOI: 10.1007/s10811-021-02616-8

Oct 14, 2021



寺田竜太,進藤蒼,田中美和,江﨑聡 2021.鹿児島県長島における藻場の長期変化,特に東シナ海に面した沿岸からの藻場の消失.日本水産学会誌 

DOI: 10.2331/suisan.21-00023

Aug 29, 2021

New article: Morpho-anatomical and molecular reassessments of Rhodymenia prostrata (Rhodymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from Japan support the recognition of Halopeltis tanakae nom. nov.

Please take a look at our new article featuring Halopeltis tanakae nom. nov.
Morpho-anatomical and molecular reassessments of Rhodymenia prostrata (Rhodymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from Japan support the recognition of Halopeltis tanakae nom. nov
Phycologia 60 (6): 582 – 588 
DOI: 10.1080/00318884.2021.1959743
Halopeltis tanakae

Aug 6, 2021

New article: The phenology of epiphytic diatoms and epifauna observed on Zostera marina

Introducing a new article featuring the phenology of epiphytic diatoms and epifauna observed on Zostera marina. Congratulation to Kenji and co-authors.

Kenjiro Hinode, Hoshimi Kamisaki, Gregory N. Nishihara, Ryuta Terada 2021.
The phenology of epiphytic diatoms and epifauna observed on Zostera marina of Arikawa Bay, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan.
Plankton and Benthos Research 16 (3): 179–190
DOI: 10.3800/pbr.16.179
Zostera marina

Aug 1, 2021





過去10年間連続で採択されている本公開講座は,日本学術振興会からも高く評価されており,平成29年度には「ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンス推進賞」を授賞しました。また,よく練られた企画として,日本学術振興会のWeb Siteで過去2回,事例紹介されています。

Jul 23, 2021

Annual kelp survey

Prof Ryuta Terada (Marine Botany Lab) attended an annual survey for the long-term monitoring of kelp assemblages in Muroran, Hokkaido, Japan. It was conducted in collaboration with the Hokkaido University Muroran Marine Station and our lab.

Saccharina japonica

Study site

Alaria crassifolia

Jul 17, 2021

New article: The photosynthetic response of cultivated juvenile and mature Undaria pinnatifida (Laminariales) sporophytes to light and temperature

Introducing a new article featuring a brown alga, Undaria pinnatifida (wakame in Japanese). This study was conducted in collaboration with Riken Food Co., Ltd. (Miyagi Prefecture) and Nagasaki University.

Undaria pinnatifida

Sato, Nagoe, Nishihara, Terada 2021. The photosynthetic response of cultivated juvenile and mature Undaria pinnatifida (Laminariales) sporophytes to light and temperature.
Journal of Applied Phycology
DOI: 10.1007/s10811-021-02535-8

May 23, 2021

New article: Phycocalidia tanegashimensis 2

Our 7th article in 2021 was out~ 

Gangping Xu, Ryuta Terada, Yuki Watanabe, Gregory N. Nishihara 2021. The occurrence of Phycocalidia tanegashimensis (Bangiaceae) in the splash zone may be related to the tolerance of photochemical efficiency to temperature, irradiance, desiccation, and salinity
Journal of Applied Phycology
DOI: 10.1007/s10811-021-02498-w

Phycocalidia tanegashimensis

May 2, 2021

New article: Agarophyton vermiculophyllum

Our new article out~ 

Kameyama, Nishihara, Kawagoe, Terada 2021. The effects of four stressors, irradiance, temperature, desiccation, and salinity on the photosynthesis of a red alga, Agarophyton vermiculophyllum (Gracilariales) from a native distributional range in Japan. Journal of Applied Phycology 

DOI: 10.1007/s10811-021-02469-1 

Agarophyton vermiculophyllum

Tolerance of Agarophyton vermiculophyllum collected from its native range in Japan to relatively high irradiance, the broad range of temperatures, and osmotic stress may explain its potentially high invasive capacity.

Apr 3, 2021

New article: Neopyropia yezoensis f. narawaensis

Our new article was out from Algal Research (IF: 4.008).

Ryuta Terada, Gregory N. Nishihara, Kaname Arimura, Yuki Watanabe, Takayuki Mine, Tarou Morikawa 2021. Photosynthetic response of a cultivated red alga, Neopyropia yezoensis f. narawaensis (= Pyropia yezoensis f. narawaensis; Bangiales, Rhodophyta) to dehydration stress differs with between two heteromorphic life-history stages.
Algal Research 55: 102262 (1 April 2021)
DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2021.102262
Neopyropia yezoensis f. narawaensis

Mar 21, 2021

New article: Caulerpa lentillifera

 Introducing our new article featuring the photosynthetic performance of a green alga Caulerpa lentillifera in response to three different stressors, temperature, irradiance, and desiccation.

Terada, Takaesu, Borlongan, Nishihara 2021. The photosynthetic performance of a cultivated Japanese green alga Caulerpa lentillifera in response to three different stressors, temperature, irradiance, and desiccation.
Journal of Applied Phycology 33:
DOI: 10.1007/s10811-021-02439-7
Caulerpa lentillifera

Mar 13, 2021

A new species: Gracilariopsis mageshimensis from Mageshima, Kagoshima, Japan

 Please take a look at our new article featuring a new species of Gracilariopsis, Gp. mageshimensis from deep subtidal waters of Kagoshima, Japan.

Masahiro Suzuki, Ryuta Terada 2021. A new flattened species of Gracilariopsis (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) from Japan.
Phycologia 60:
DOI: 10.1080/00318884.2021.1880755
Gracilariopsis mageshimensis

Mar 6, 2021

New article: Sargassum muticum

 In a new study out yesterday, a Ph.D. student Tomoiro Ito and co-authors revealed the effects of irradiance, temperature, and desiccation on the photosynthesis of a brown alga, Sargassum muticum (Fucales) from its native distributional range in Japan. The study appears in the Journal of Applied Phycology at the following link.

Tomohiro Ito, Iris Ann Borlongan, Gregory N. Nishihara, Hikaru Endo, Ryuta Terada 2021. The effects of irradiance, temperature, and desiccation on the photosynthesis of a brown alga, Sargassum muticum (Fucales), from a native distributional range in Japan. 
Journal of Applied Phycology 33:
DOI: 10.1007/s10811-021-02425-z