Introducing the topics of Japanese seaweed including research and educational activities, from the Marine Botany Lab, Department of Fisheries, Kagoshima University. 鹿児島大学水圏植物学研究室の調査研究を中心に、海藻・藻場関係の情報を発信しています。海産植物の自然史や藻場の保全、増養殖,食文化に関心のある方はどうぞ。
May 9, 2015
Workshop for the seaweed survey in Kobe University(神戸大の藻場モニタリングワークショップに参加)
Two students of our lab participated with a workshop that was held at Kobe University. This WS was held as the joint activity of the annual survey for the long-term assessment of natural seaweed communities (Grant from the Ministry of Environments).
For this survey and WS, more than ten phycologists and students from five different institutions were participated. As the first day, we conducted the field survey at the site in Awajishima-Island that is facing to the Kitan Straits, Pacific Ocean.