Jun 9, 2016

New article: Orthogonacladia gen. nov. and Orthogonacladiaceae fam. nov.

Check out a new article describing a new genus and family in the Gelidiales! Orthogonacladia gen. nov. and Orthogonacladiaceae fam. nov.

Congraturation to Dr. Ga Hun Boo, Dr. Sung Min Boo and co-authors on this excellent paper !

Boo, G, H., Gall, L. L., Miller, K. A., Freshwater, W. D., Wernberg, T., Terada, R., Yoon, K. J., Boo, S. M. A novel phylogeny of the Gelidiales (Rhodophyta) based on five genes including the nuclear CesA, with descriptions of Orthogonacladia gen. nov. and Orthogonacladiaceae fam. nov.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 101: 359–372.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2016.05.018