Dec 3, 2023

Annual research achievement 2023

This is an annual research achievement from the 2023 Marine Botany Laboratory at Kagoshima University. As we reflect on the year, we would like to express our gratitude to all the students, colleagues, co-authors, and contributors. Thank you for a great year.

1. Yukiko Yonemori, Shogo Kokubu, Gregory N. Nishihara, Hikaru Endo, Ryuta Terada 2023. The effects of desiccation and salinity gradients in the PSII photochemical efficiency of an intertidal brown alga, Sargassum fusiforme from Kagoshima, Japan. Phycological Research 71: 3–12 (3 January 2023) 
2. Tomohiro Ito, Toui Yoshioka, Hiromori Shimabukuro, Gregory N. Nishihara, Hikaru Endo, Ryuta Terada 2023. The effect of temperature, light-spectrum, desiccation, and salinity gradients on the photosynthetic performance of a subtidal brown alga, Sargassum macrocarpum from Japan. Phycological Research 71: 25–36 (3 January 2023)
3. Hikaru Endo, Hikari Moriyama, Yutaka Okumura 2023. Photoinhibition and photoprotective responses of a brown marine macroalga acclimated to different light and nutrient regimes. Antioxidants 12: 357 (2 February 2023)
4. Yoichi Sato, Takayuki Fujiwara, Hikaru Endo 2023. Density regulation of aquaculture production and its effects on commercial profit and quality as food in the cosmopolitan edible seaweed Undaria pinnatifida. Frontiers in Marine Science 10: 1085054 (10 February 2023)
5. 島田菜摘,Gregory N. Nishihara,寺田竜太.2023.奄美大島産ウミジグサHalodule uninervisの光合成における温度や光の影響.日本水産学会誌89: 115–126 (3月15日).Natsumi Shimada, Gregory N. Nishihara, Ryuta Terada. 2023. The effect of temperature and irradiance on the photosynthesis of a seagrass, Halodule uninervis from Amami-Oshima Island, Kagoshima. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 89: 115–126 (15 March 2023)
6. 豊田(小谷野)有加,広瀬雅人,中野智之,小松浩典,寺田竜太,豊福高志,長井裕季子,今井仁,小山田佑輔,向哲嗣,川口大朗,高嶺春夫,港隆一,森英章,三宅裕志2023.西之島の海洋生物相の速報.小笠原研究49: 113–168,年3月). Yuka Toyoya (Koyano), Masato Hirose, Tomoyuki Nakano, Hironori Komatsu, Ryuta Terada, Takashi Toyofuku, Yukiko Nagai, Hitoshi Imai, Yusuke Oyamada, Akitsugu Mukai, Dairou Kawaguchi, Ryuichi Minato, Hideaki Mori, Hiroshi Miyake 2023. Preliminary report of marine macrofauna of Nishinoshima Island. Ogasawara Research 49: 113–168, (March 2023)
7. Ryuta Terada, Aoi Shindo, Hikari Moriyama, Narumi Shimboku, Gregory N. Nishihara 2023. The response of photosynthesis to temperature and irradiance in a green alga, Ryuguphycus kuaweuweu (Ulvales) reveals adaptation to a subtidal environment in the northern Ryukyu Islands. Algal Research 74: Article 103189, (29 June 2023)
8. Ryuta Terada, Rumina Nakamura, Takuya Iwanaga, Keita Nakahara, Gregory N. Nishihara 2023. The real-time measurements of PSII photochemical efficiency in the microscopic sporophyte of Pyropia yezoensis f. narawaensis (Bangiaceae) reveals the low capacity of desiccation tolerance that drops within a few minutes of dehydration. Algal Research 75: 103283, (4 October 2023)
9. 新北成実,寺田竜太.2023.鹿児島湾のアマモ場:2021年の分布状況と長期的な衰退.日本水産学会誌89: 510–520 (2023年11月15日).Narumi Shimboku, Ryuta Terada. 2023. Seagrass bed in Kagoshima Bay: The distribution status in 2021 and long-term decline. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 89: 510–520 (15 November 2023)
10. 中村瑠美奈,岩永卓也,中原啓太,住吉大,寺田竜太.2023.ノリ養殖採苗日の延期に伴って行われる殻胞子放出抑制処理がカキ殻糸状体の光合成光化学効率に及ぼす影響.日本水産学会誌89: 521–528 (2023年11月15日). Rumina Nakamura, Takuya Iwanaga, Keita Nakahara, Dai Sumiyoshi, Ryuta Terada 2023. The effect of photochemical efficiency in cultivated Pyropia sporophytes under the conchospore-release suppression treatment resulting from postponed seeding date. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 89: 521–528 (15 November 2023)
11. Ryuta Terada, Koki Matsuda, Gregory N. Nishihara. 2024. Optimizing cultivation and shipping environments for an edible green alga, Caulerpa chemnitzia var. laetevirens (Bryopsidales) from Japan: Effects of temperature, irradiance, desiccation, and salinity on photochemical efficiency. Phycological Research (In press)
Journal Cover
1. Phycological Research 71 (1) January 2023.
1. 寺田竜太.2023.鹿児島大学における「ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンス」の海藻押し葉講座:10年間の軌跡.藻類71: 103–105.(2023年7月10日)
1. 牧野虎太郎.2023.日本藻類学会第47回大会学生発表賞.ポスター発表大形藻の部.日本藻類学会(2023年3月22日)