Introducing the topics of Japanese seaweed including research and educational activities, from the Marine Botany Lab, Department of Fisheries, Kagoshima University. 鹿児島大学水圏植物学研究室の調査研究を中心に、海藻・藻場関係の情報を発信しています。海産植物の自然史や藻場の保全、増養殖,食文化に関心のある方はどうぞ。
Jul 26, 2015
Special workshop on algae for elementary school students(ひらめき☆ときめきサイエンス開催,2回目)
Second day of the special workshop on algae for elementary school students has successfully finished. Students made own seaweed exsiccatae that comprise more than 30 specimens. In Japan, elementary school students have to conduct a "research" in the any field of science during the summer break. This exsiccatae will be submitted to the school as the report of their research.
We have received the grant for this workshop from JSPS in the past four years.