Introducing the topics of Japanese seaweed including research and educational activities, from the Marine Botany Lab, Department of Fisheries, Kagoshima University. 鹿児島大学水圏植物学研究室の調査研究を中心に、海藻・藻場関係の情報を発信しています。海産植物の自然史や藻場の保全、増養殖,食文化に関心のある方はどうぞ。
May 11, 2016
Annual field survey in Hyogo Prefecture
MBL faculty Ryuta Terada recently attended an annual monitoring survey of Sargassum / Ecklonia community that is conducted by the Phycology team of Kobe University and collaborative researchers.
This project has been funded by the Japanese Ministry of Environment, and MBL is one of the members of this project. This week, we conducted the survey at two sites that are facing the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan, respectively.