Dec 4, 2012


We attended an international symposium including field workshop entitled as "Biodiversity in Changing Coastal Waters in Tropical and Subtropical Asia" in Reihoku Town, Kumamoto Prefecture. More than 120 participants also attended.

This symposium included various field of coastal biology including corals, fish, algae, other kind of marine organisms.
There were a lots of interesting talk and posters in the symposium. I did not know that an area of the seagrass bed nearly same with the football field has been disappeared at the every thirty minutes in the world .

熊本県天草郡苓北町で開催された国際シンポジウム「 International Symposium including Field Workshop  Biodiversity in Changing Coastal Waters in Tropical and Subtropical Asia」に参加しました。海外からの研究者を中心に,120名以上が参加しました。サンゴや魚,藻類,海草,底生動物など,さまざまな発表が聞けました。フォルテスさんの講演では,地球上のアマモ場は,サッカー場(アメフトだったかも)ほどの面積が30分ごとに消えているとのことでした。

I told regarding the current status of the seaweed community at the boundary zone between temperate and subtropical region of Japan, in relation to climate changes.
寺田は初日午前中のセッションで口頭発表しました。二つ前の発表は共同研究者のGreg Nishiharaさんで,翌日には国環研Y野氏の発表もありました。

MS student, Yuki, presented his research at the poster session.

Selected papers from these studies will be published from Hydrobiologia.