An owner of a resort hotel in Kirishima Heights, Kagoshima Prefecture, invited me to identify an unknown alga that is occurred in a fresh water pond.
Melosira varians |
It wasn't a macro-alga. This alga was considered to be a diatom,
Melosira varians on the basis
of the characteristic morphology and habitat. Indeed, this species is known to be
prefer higher pH waters around 8 to 9, and it was almost identical with
those of this study site.
Melosira variansと同定しました。富栄養化しているところなどに見られる種類ではなく,どちらかというと澄んだきれいな水(で流れがゆるやか)に生える種類とのことです。まさにそういう環境でした。
Kirishima Heights is known as one of the most famous mountain resort including some hot spas in Kagoshima Prefecture.