May 23, 2013

Hydropuntia eucheumatoides Survey(リュウキュウオゴノリの調査)

We conducted the field survey at an island offshore of Nha Trang City to collect some species of Gracilaria including Hydropuntia eucheumatoides. It is known as one of the edible alga that is sold at the local market in Nha Trang. Although, it is listed as one of the endangered species in Japan due to the degradation of the Japanese habitat.
今日はボートを借り切って,Nha Trang市の沖合にあるHon Tre島で調査をおこないました。今日のターゲットは,市場でも売られていたリュウキュウオゴノリです。本種は(ベトナムで)食用にされる有用種ですが,日本では環境省のレッドリストに掲載されている(日本での絶滅が危惧される)絶滅危惧種です。

 We departed from the harbor.

On the way to Hon Tre Island, we could see the beautiful Bao Dai Villa (on the hill) and the Institute of Oceanography. I visited this institute when I attended to the Workshop on the taxonomy of Economic Seaweeds in 1998.

Sampling site was located at northern coast of the island.

There were plenty of H. eucheumatoides!