Mar 29, 2011

日本藻類学会第35回大会が富山で開催されました (35th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Phyclogy)


The 35th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Phyclogy (Toyama 2011) was held at Toyama University from March 26 through 28. Despite the East Japan Earthquake Disaster that was caused two weeks ago, official program of Toyama 2011 was fully conducted except for the Banquet. In Toyama, there was no influence from the earthquake and tsunami disaster.
Five students attended it from Marine Botany Lab.

Oral Presentation

Poster Presentation


In July 2012, we will be having the next meeting (36th annual meeting) celebrating the 60th anniversary of JSP in Sapporo City (Hokkaido University).
37th meeting also will be held in Kofu City in 2013.
