土屋 勇太郎, GREGORY N. NISHIHARA, 寺田 竜太2012:酸素電極法とパルス変調クロロフィル蛍光法を用いた鹿児島産ホンダワラ属(ヒバマタ目)藻類 5 種,マメタワラ,ヤツマタモク,ヒジキ,コブクロモク,キレバモクの光合成・温度特性.水産学会誌78:189-197
MS student published a paper regarding the photosynthetic and temperature tolerance of five Sargassum species, from the bulletin of Japanese Society of Fisheries Science in March. It is written in Japanese, but English summary and caption included.
Tsuchiya, Nishihara and Terada 2012. Photosynthetic and temperature characteristics of fiveSargassum species (Fucales), S. piluliferum, S. patens, S. fusiforme, S.crispifolium, and S.alternato-pinnatum from Kagoshima, Japan, using dissolved oxygen sensor andpulse-amplitude-modulated (PAM) fluorometer. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi. 78: 189-197.
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